Bridesmaids (2011)

Theatrical Poster
Source: Wikipedia
Bridesmaids follows one woman's life as her world starts to unravel after she is chosen as maid of honour at her best friend's wedding.

Annie (Kristen Wiig) is chosen as maid of honour for the wedding of her best friend, Lillian (Maya Rudolph). As she begins to organise the celebrations, the wife of Lillian's fiancĂ©e’s boss, Helen (Rose Byrne), begins to push through her ideas in order to gain popularity with Lillian.

As Annie's ideas are shunted in favour of Helen's rich extravagance, Annie begins to feel further from Lillian that she has ever done in her life. Meanwhile, after the failure of her bakery, other aspects of Annie's life begin to topple as she loses her home and a potential boyfriend (Chris O'Dowd).

As the movie starts, Annie is introduced as someone down on her luck which is contrasting to anything that claims to be a fantastic comedy. The audience is introduced to Ted - a man who is using Annie for sex and he provides a central comedic role. Annie's flatmates, Gil (Matt Lucas) and Brynn (Rebel Wilson), add a little intermittent comedy but otherwise it feels a little lacking in places.

Bridesmaids tags onto the theme of a rowdy wedding party following the success of The Hangover (and the recently released Part II). Rather than being a film along the same lines, it brings a more feminine touch allowing the audience to feel more emotionally attached to the characters. Although the laughs are still there, it is in a more subtle and less slapstick-based manner.

There is more to Bridesmaids than the comedy of it. It does provide a heartfelt story from four of the main characters (err, who are those other two bridesmaids?), but if you're expecting a laugh don't expect your sides to split any time soon.

